From Strategy to Execution

eBook - Turning Accelerated Global Change into Opportunity

Erschienen am 22.02.2008, Auflage: 1/2008
62,95 €
(inkl. MwSt.)


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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783540718802
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 326 S., 3.66 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


At the intersection of disruptive and accelerated change in the environment with globalization, business leaders around the world are trying to embrace change and incorporate innovative business models in the basics of their businesses. While innovation in their products and services remains a priority, it is the focus on rethinking how customer value is developed and delivered, and rethinking the profit formula and the financial model, and finally making corresponding changes to the core resources that are coming under increasing emphasis. This book presents new and innovative ideas and approaches that are increasingly becoming a key to business success in a rapidly changing world.


The Accelerating Pace of Change.- Global Imperatives The Accelerating Pace of Change.- Economic Trends of Change.- New Business Priorities in a World of Accelerating Change.- Accelerating Innovation.- Business Model Innovation.- Process Innovation Through Open BPM (Business Process Management).- Product and Service Innovation.- Agile Strategy Execution Creating Strategic Alignment.- From Strategy Execution to Performance Management.- Gaining Competitive Advantage from Compliance and Risk Management.- Cultural Aspects of Pervasive Rapid Change.- The Talent Supply Chain: Leveraging the Global Talent Market.- Improving Knowledge Worker Performance.- Protecting Corporate Reputation in an ERA of Instant Transparency.- Business-Led Information Technology.- Four Vectors of Business Model Innovation: Value Capture in a Network ERA.- Adaptive I/T Architectures: The Rise of Business Platforms.

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