Andrew Marvell

eBook - A Literary Life, Literary Lives

Erschienen am 18.03.2021, Auflage: 1/2021
25,95 €
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Bibliografische Daten
ISBN/EAN: 9783030592875
Sprache: Englisch
Umfang: 0 S., 2.96 MB
Format: PDF
DRM: Digitales Wasserzeichen


This book provides an accessible account of the poet and politician Andrew Marvells life (1621-1678) and of the great events which found reflection in his work and in which he and his writings eventually played a part. At the same time, considerable space is afforded to reflecting deeply on the modes and meanings of Marvells art, redressing the balance of recent biography and criticism which has tended to dwell on the public and political aspects of this literary life at the expense of lyric invention and lyric possibility. Moving beyond the familiar terms of imitation and influence, the book aims at reconstructing an embodied history of reading and writing, acts undertaken within a series of complex physical and social environments, from the Hull Charterhouse to the coffee houses and print shops of Restoration London. Care has been taken to cover the whole of Marvells career, in verse and prose, even as the book places the lyric achievement at the centre of its vision.



Matthew C. Augustine is Senior Lecturer in the School of English at the University of St Andrews, UK. A past president of the Andrew Marvell Society, he is the author ofAesthetics of Contingency: Writing, Politics, and Culture in England, 1639-89(2018), and principal convener of the British Academy Conference Reimagining Andrew Marvell: The Poet at 400.



1. Introduction: A Literary Life?.- 2. Andreae Filiae: East Riding, Yorkshire, 1621-1633.- 3. In loco parentis: Cambridge, 1633-1641.- 4. Our wits have drawn thinfection of our times: London and the Continent, 1641-1650.-5.Some great prelate of the grove: London and Nun Appleton, Yorkshire, 1650-1652.-6.With my most humble service: England and the Continent, 1652-1659.- 7. His anger reached that rage which passed his art: England, the Netherlands, and the Baltic, 1659-1667.- 8. the interest and happiness of the king and kingdom: London, 1667-1678.

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